Sunday, March 23, 2008

It’s Easter. Mulan got a basket with candy and we went on an Easter egg hunt. Next year Mulan will be too old for it – many of her friends parents who have kids just a wee bit older than Mulan have given up on it, and I suspect that next year will be her last with this sort of thing. But it does feel like Spring! Eggs and hotter whether. Grills and outdoor heaters (Michael is putting one together as I type…)

Last night Michael and I watched all the trailers for “Expelled,” the anti-evolution, intelligent design movie that Ben Stein made, or appears to have made, that’s opening in movie theaters on April 18th. I am just speechless.

Well, sort of.

What it made me feel most of all wasn’t anger, it wasn’t defeat or fear either. It was just this overwhelming tiredness. I feel so weary. It made me want to sleep and just try to get away from people who want to debate this topic at all.

To be honest, this shouldn’t even be something that is even being debated. It only continues to be in the public discourse at all because of the lack of sophisticated science education amongst the general public, coupled with groups who have a vested interest in keeping people confused on these matters, mixed with a darker push from elected officials (and some judges and those in power, funded by the more conservative religious groups) who use issues like this to rile people up and make the more complicated, truer view of life’s nature and origins seem as though it’s a debate between those who are moral and good and those who are cruel and heartless. So that when people skim the issue it appears as though those people (on the side of God) are the moral and just ones. They’re nicer. Cause, y’know, they believe in God. They are “open” to a God implanting and guiding life to it’s crowning glory, human beings! ARGH.

And I just… oh jeez.

Ben Stein once did a Groundling show, an improv show, that I was a part of. I found him to be spectacularly ill-informed and narcissistic and weirdly devoted to his schtick and worst of all, hacky. He didn’t listen to his fellow performers and played everything outward to his friends in the audience who laughed (fake, forced) at every single thing he did. When he became known as a “thinker” – when his public persona became the “smart guy” I was astounded. So this type of film does not come as any surprise.

I can’t listen to his voice. I can’t stand how he draws out his vowels in that fake-professorial way. He’s a cartoon character, for God’s sake.

But to a lot of people he will appear to make sense. His style will have the stamp of truthfulness to it (because his voice sounds so… um… smart!) and it will also make people feel better about what they already believe and what has made them feel comfortable their whole lives. And yet, if his mission is realized, which is to change education practice so that evolution isn’t taught properly, it will only end up handicapping our kids in a world who is – generally – moving towards a greater understanding of science which can lead to advances in technology which can lead to – well, it can lead to prosperity among other things. So they want evolution out, and handicapping their kids science education in, and yet they want a better and brighter future for their kids.

I hope this movie dies a horrible and embarrassing death.

“What The Bleep Do We Know?” gave some people a cheap and temporary spiritual blast of hot air and now this movie will give some people a cheap reason to be self-righteous in the name of science when they are being anything BUT. ARGH.

Well, I guess I am a little angry.